Root canal treatment

Root Canal

Root canal treatment

The root canal is the interior of the tooth and contains the pulp, nerves and blood vessels. The pulp provides nutrients and water to the tooth.
When the bacteria that causes tooth decay seeps into the pulp, the face swells. It doesn't heal naturally, and if left untreated, the inside of the tooth and the bone will likely melt away.
Root canal therapy is a treatment that destroys bacteria that have travelled inside the tooth and relieves pain, swelling, etc. There are many nerves inside the tooth and a single treatment will not completely cure it. Therefore, root canal treatment usually requires 2-6 cycles of treatment. Secondly, depending on the condition of each patient's tooth, it is possible to increase the number of treatments. The length of a single treatment is 20-60 minutes. (including anaesthesia time)

Root canal treatment is required in the following cases

The decay of the worm's teeth has touched the nerve.
When the level of decay has reached the nerve, the patient will experience painful symptoms. Therefore, a root canal is needed to remove the nerve from the area.
The nerves are rotting.
When a tooth decays or crushes, the nerve may die, and if left untreated, the nerve can become necrotic and decay. The bacteria produced at this point may cause pain, so a root canal is needed in this case as well.
When there's inflammation at the root tip of a tooth.
When the nerve dies, pus accumulates at the tip of the root.
Although it can be detected through X-rays and the like, pain and swelling will occur if a root canal is not performed in a timely manner.
When there's a white swelling on your gums.
Pus build-up at the root of the tooth can also affect the gums. Pus may appear on the gums at the root of the tooth. Root canal treatment is also required in this case.
When the gums are swollen or painful
There are many reasons for swollen and painful gums, but pus can also be present in the roots. Pain is often felt especially when fatigue or low resistance is present, and root canal treatment is performed when necessary.

Root canal procedure

Root canal procedure

The remaining dentin and any fillings are removed from the tooth, leaving the root to expose the root canal.
Pulp removal
Removal of bacterially infected pulp using special instruments.
Root canal length measurement
A root canal sizer is used to determine the length of the root canal and to determine the exact condition inside.
Disinfection, cleaning
The inside of the root canal is cleaned and disinfected using pharmaceuticals.
root canal filling
After confirming that there is no inflammation, the root canal is filled with medication and sealed to prevent bacterial infection.
* This process may be repeated several times until the root canal is completely cleared of bacteria.
Bracket construction
After filling the root canal, a base is created to attach the covering to the inside of the root canal.
In addition, we will be using moulds to create the coverings.
Installation cover
Attach the prepared covering and adjust the bite.

Telephone reservations are available in Japanese only
Tel: 03(6767)2825

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【Consultation Hours】
9:30〜13:00  ⁄  14:30〜20:00
※The clinic is open until 17:00 on Thursdays.
