Insect teeth treatment


Causes of tooth decay

Plaque is the main cause of tooth decay. Teeth are dissolved by an acid produced by bacteria hidden in plaque, which causes tooth decay. The bacteria use sugar as a source of nutrition, so sweets are a cause of tooth decay.
In addition to sugar intake, there are many factors that increase bacterial activity and reproduction, such as how you brush your teeth and lack of saliva. Therefore, effective prevention of tooth decay requires measures from all angles.

State of the Worm's Teeth

C1 State of slightly melted enamel with shallow holes
no subjective symptoms such as pain or swelling
Teeth are slightly shaved and filled with re
C1 Minor tooth decay
C2 Cavity has progressed to dentin
It is often accompanied by subjective symptoms such as pain and soreness from drinking cold drinks.
A portion of the tooth is ground, then a nerve-protecting medication is applied, followed by a filling using resin.
C2 Moderate tooth decay
C3 Cavity has reached the dental nerve
The patient will have severe pain present.
If it reaches the nerve, removal of the pulp nerve will be performed, eliminating part of the enamel. Then a filling inlay is made. In addition to treating the crown, root canal therapy is necessary in some cases.
C3 Severe tooth decay
C4 Cavity has progressed to the root area of the tooth
The patient will have severe pain and it will be difficult to save the current Dental Condition.
Root canals, abutment construction, extractions, etc. depending on the patient's collective situation.
In addition, if extraction treatment is carried out, a separate denture is required at a later stage Installation, dental implants, etc.
C4 Most Severe tooth decay
 Treatment Costs Charges

Insect teeth treatment

Treatment of C1, C2
Filled composite resin(CR/reinforced plastic for dental use)
In cases where there is decay in the simple area of the head, the decay is removed by anaesthesia, and in cases where it seems easier to return to the original shape of the tooth, it is filled with composite resin.
In the case of a simple cavity, this can be repaired by casting this resin in a single day along with a dental reinforced plastic called composite resin.
The steps to fix it are as follows:
・Remove tooth decay.
・Apply glue. (Adhesive)
・Pour in the composite resin and adjust the shape.
・After observation, if there are no sequelae (pain), the treatment is complete.
Before treatment
Filled composite resin before
After treatment
Filled composite resin after
Inlay Crown Restoration(Resin-filled, metal-covered, ceramic, zirconia, mixed ceramics, etc.)
Worm teeth usually begin to develop from the contact portion of two adjacent teeth.
Since this area is subjected to a lot of force on the teeth when chewing, once decay occurs in this contact area, it is necessary to repair it with a strong filling.
The steps to fix it are as follows:
・The tooth is anaesthetised, the decay is removed to allow the filling and crown to fit perfectly, and a mould is made.
・Waiting for the mould to be finished for trial wear (takes 1-3 days to make).
・At the end of the fitting if there are no problems or discomfort, the treatment is over.
Removing the cavity, and shaping out space where the filling will be placed, and taking a dental impression precisely.
Filling and bonding inlay made from a tooth mold.
Polishing and reshaping your tooth.
Treatment of C3
The part of the tooth affected by toothworms will be completely shaved and the pulp will be treated. The shape is adjusted and the base is inserted so that the shaved portion is easily covered. When the patient's covering is fabricated, the patient will be notified to come to the clinic and adhesive will be used to secure the tooth and covering.
・It is usually landfilled using metal or resin. (Reimbursable by insurance)
・An alternative is to fill with a more precise technical material (a material that does not tend to create gaps between teeth) and white ceramic of the same colour as the teeth. (at your own expense)
Before treatment
After treatment
Before treatment
After treatment
Treatment of C4
The tooth is essentially damaged and needs to be an extracted.
After the tooth is extracted, the subsequent treatment is as follows:
・Dental bridges(when surrounded by healthy teeth)
・dental implant
 Treatment Costs Charges

Telephone reservations are available in Japanese only
Tel: 03(6767)2825

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【Consultation Hours】
9:30〜13:00  ⁄  14:30〜20:00
※The clinic is open until 17:00 on Thursdays.
